No Response From City On State of Apartment Building

FirstLocalNews has obtained photos from tenants in an apartment tower on Bay Street. According to tenants , the building is owned by the City.

The photos depict needles in the hallways, vandalism and an over-all poor maintenance . According to a person close to the situation, “They have no live-in superintendent and the people that live there have to police the building themselves, and cops won’t come unless it is dangerous ”

FirstLocalNews can not confirm that the building is owned by the city or just offers subsidized units in the building.

FirstLocalNews reached out to the City for comment last week on the situation. No one at City Hall has responded to our request for comment.

Other complaints from some tenants include, people sleeping in the hallways, fire alarms being set off numerous times . The tenants ask, “How can they enforce stuff in other buildings when they can’t look after their own?”

“Tenants have filed with legal clinic and going after the city. Seniors shouldn’t have to step over bodies coming in and out of the building” said a person who asked to be anonymous.

4 thoughts on “No Response From City On State of Apartment Building

    1. City runs that building , it’s gross and disgusting and not safe for anyone living there. We’ve all complained to no avail.

  1. The city does NOT run this building {it should but…} both buildings were purchased in 21ish. Bay st. building & 70 were split into 2 properties & east was listed!
    When ownership transferred, ALL subsidize rent {from taxpayers} increased %300ish!

    It’s repulsive here, but the view is…

  2. It’s time to crack down on all of the slumlords. They are lining their pockets with higher rents than ever and doing nothing in return. The law is far too lenient on doing anything about it.
    Unfortunately a lot of these people are not from Canada and are giving their race(s) a horrible reputation as slumlords and deadbeats.

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