What Really Bugs Ryan Mitchell

Ryan Mitchell is attempting something most of us can;t imagine doing – traveling across Canada on his bike. Mitchell joins a long list of others who have walked, run, biked, and skateboarded thousands of kilometers across the country to raise awareness or money for various causes.

“I don’t think I’ve traveled this far in my car let alone a bike” Mitchell joked when he stopped overnight in Sault Ste. Marie last week.

Mitchell is looking at 4,500 kilometers to Vancouver Island. The Colborne Ontario man started his journey on May1st. Mitchell lost his best friend when he was 18 to cancer as well as his Grandfather and second cousin. “Everyone is affected by cancer in one way or another” Mitchell wanted to do something in their memory and for Cancer patients at the Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto. His goal is to raise $50,000 on or before he reaches British Columbia.

Mitchell has been blown away from the generosity of people he’s met so far on his trek. “When people hear what I’m doing, they will buy me breakfast , or donate” Complete strangers have also offered him a place to stay overnight, especially when running into problems along the way. Mitchell’s bike broke down in Echo Bay and was stranded until a Sault Ste. Marie man heard what he was doing and offered to drive him and his bike to a local bike shop (Velorution on Fish Hatchery Road) and also offered lodging for the night.

What Mitchell wasn’t expecting was something most Northern Ontario residents already know – the bugs can get very bad. “That’s about the worst thing I’ve experienced so far – the bugs!”

The next day, Mitchell insisted that he had to go back where his bike broke down in Echo Bay once his bike was fixed. From there, Micthell was on his way to his next destination – Wawa. “I’ve been told this stretch can be the hardest and can break you”

Unlike most who attempt a cross country fundraising event, Mitchell is completely solo – no crew or van following him. It’s the highway, Micthell and his bike.

Mitchell encourages anyone who is interested in making a donation for his cause to visit his page https://fundraise.sickkidsfoundation.com/ryanbikescanada

Mitchell expects to end his bike ride in about 50 days.

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