Is the CRA coming for you?


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact economies and livelihoods around the world, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is taking a more assertive stance in recouping overpayments of the various government aid programs introduced to provide financial relief to Canadians during this unprecedented crisis. Starting in July, the CRA has announced it will begin issuing formal legal notices to individuals who have received excess funds from programs like the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), and the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit. This signals a shift in the agency’s approach, as it moves beyond simply requesting voluntary repayment and is now prepared to take more aggressive action to recover these overpayments.

The CRA has emphasized that it has a responsibility to ensure the proper use of public funds, and that those who have been overpaid must repay the excess amounts. This could involve garnishing wages, seizing tax refunds, or even pursuing legal action in some cases. While the pandemic has created immense financial hardship for many, the CRA is making it clear that it will not turn a blind eye to improper benefit claims or payments. By ramping up these recovery efforts, the agency aims to maintain the integrity of the various COVID-19 support programs and ensure that the limited government resources are directed to those who are genuinely eligible.

As the country continues to grapple with the economic fallout of the pandemic, the CRA’s crackdown on overpayments serves as a reminder that there are consequences for those who have received more financial assistance than they were entitled to, and that the government is committed to recouping those funds.


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