Biden and Trump to face off in first US presidential debate tonight

biden trump

The highly anticipated first presidential debate of the 2024 election season is set to take place on Tonight, pitting the sitting President, Joe Biden, against his predecessor, Donald Trump, in a high-stakes showdown that will likely serve as a pivotal moment in shaping the narrative and stakes of the upcoming November election.

With both candidates bringing their own unique styles, backgrounds, and policy platforms to the table, the debate is expected to be a fiery and consequential affair, as the two political heavyweights clash over the direction they envision for the country. Biden, the seasoned statesman who has spent decades in public service, will look to tout his administration’s accomplishments and paint a vision of steady, experienced leadership, while the brash and unorthodox Trump will undoubtedly seek to energize his base by going on the offensive and positioning himself as the disruptive outsider capable of tackling the nation’s most pressing challenges.

Voters tuning in will be closely watching to see how the two candidates handle the intense scrutiny, how they respond to each other’s barbs and criticisms, and ultimately, which one is able to most effectively articulate a compelling case for why they should be entrusted with the keys to the Oval Office. With the stakes so high and the political divides in America so deep, Thursday’s debate is poised to be a pivotal moment that could significantly sway the trajectory of the 2024 race.

The event starts at 9 p.m. ET and will run for 90 minutes. It will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash and take place at the network’s studios in Atlanta.

The debate will be available on CNN and the streaming platform Max, formerly known as HBO. Viewers without a cable login can watch on CNN’s website.


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