Saturday Thunder Warning.

Ride and Roar For Autism

Don’t worry, the thunder you will hear is not related to the weather!

The 2024 Algoma Ride for Autism Motorcycle is taking place this Saturday June 15th.

Motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the province will converge at Highland Ford to register, kickoff the ride and most importantly show their support for the autism and special needs community of Sault Ste. Marie all in support of The Algoma Autism Foundation.

The registration will occur from 9am to 11am, with the ride leaving at 1130.There will be a number of presentations, a 50/50 draw, silent auction, ride merchandise and the incredible tear-filled send off!

The ride will travel north to Hayden, through the beautiful Bellevue Valley, pass through Goulais returning to the Esquire Club for post ride festivities.

Don’t Ride. No problem!

The public is invited to show their support of the ride and our community.

As this event is quite emotional and awe striking, we encourage non riders to witness the sights and sounds of hundreds of motorcycles passing by in form.

Please feel free to show your love by lining the streets along the route. If you encounter the ride on the road, honk those horns, wave and please be patient as we move along.

The participants of this ride are directly responsible for raising well in excess of $100 000 dollars, all directly injected directly back into our community.

For more information please contact the Algoma Ride for Autism Facebook page.


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