Poilievre plans to move non-confidence motion

Leader Pierre Poilievre

Conservatives are preparing to table a motion of no confidence vote against the Prime Minister after Justin Trudeau said he won’t back down from an April 1 Carbon Tax price increase.

Following Question Period, the House voted on Tuesday’s opposition day motion calling on the “NDP-Liberal coalition” to “immediately repeal this hike.” The motion was tabled after 70 per cent of the provinces and “70 per cent of Canadians” voted against the 23 per cent hike. The vote failed — with Team Trudeau, the Bloc, the NDP and Green parties all voting against the motion — setting the stage for what is expected to be a highly charged debate on Thursday.

Poilievre’s Conservative party has been pushing Trudeau on carbon pricing all week, fueled by cross-country opposition from premiers both Tory and Liberal over the April 1 hike, including a failed attempt to whip up an emergency debate.

Now that Trudeau has rejected the request, and with another day of opposition and a vote planned for Thursday, the Conservatives appear ready to take the fight to the next level.

Climate action groups are urging the Conservatives to not use the carbon price as a “scapegoat” to gain political advantage.


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