Everything You Wanted To Know About The Downtown Reconstruction Project

Queen Street Improvements Phase 1 Open House

Queen Street area businesses, property owners, and tenants are invited to attend a public open house regarding Phase 1 of the Queen Street Improvement project. The project extends from Elgin Street to Brock Street with the potential for extension to East Street pending funding approval. 

Open House

Date:  Thursday, May 23

Time: 4 – 6 p.m. (come and go format)

Location: Ronald A. IrwinCivic Centre, Russ Ramsay Room 3rd Floor

Representatives from the City’s Engineering department, AECOM, and Avery Construction Limited will be available to provide details about the Contractor’s schedule and staging plans.

The improvements include replacing the asphalt roadway surface, curbs, boulevard, sidewalk, street lighting, portions of the stormwater collection system, and adding streetscape amenities such as landscaping and furnishings. Sanitary sewer and watermain replacement will be completed between Elgin Street and March Street.

Avery Construction Limited will begin work on site the week of May 27, 2024. The project is expected to reach substantial completion by late fall with some work likely extending into 2025 depending on the final project limits. For the latest information on this project, visit www.saultstemarie.ca/queenstreet.

One thought on “Everything You Wanted To Know About The Downtown Reconstruction Project

  1. There are many more higher priorities but what would you expect from a bunch of dumb- dumbs with a sliver of a brain between them?
    Always squandering tax dollars on low priorities while the majority of the cities roads are a huge mess of potholes and ridges, the infrastructure falling apart, the homelessness, violent crime, burglaries, robberies, transient murderers and psychos running loose.
    Ya, sure continue the insanity, waste more money on the dead downtown where the terrified merchants are too afraid to even leave their doors unlocked during business hours.

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