“Dozen Donations” Campaign Continues at Women in Crisis

Members of the Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie made two more stops this week, visiting Women in Crisis and St. Vincent Place. Both organizations aim to provide support to vulnerable persons in our community, and Rotary is glad to give them a helping hand.

“The Women in Crisis Center is such an important provider of one of the most basic necessities – a safe place.  A safe place to heal and grow,” shared Nicole Patterson, Rotarian. “After a woman has lost control of the things most of us take for granted, it’s good to know we have support available in Algoma to give women a leg up.”

“It is thanks to community members such as yourselves that we are able to provide the women and children here at WIC with the little extras, such as Birthday gifts, Easter, a new toy and clothes just to mention a few,” shared Norma Elliot, Director at Women in Crisis during Rotary’s visit. “Thank you for supporting the work we do as we all work towards ending abuse and violence in our community.”

On the campaigns next stop, Rotarians were met by Sara McCleary, St. Vincent’s “Lunches For Learning” program coordinator. “We’re so grateful to the Rotary Club for their support of St. Vincent Place and their commitment to supporting the community,” Sara shared. “This generous donation will help fill our shelves over the summer months.” Beyond supplying fresh lunch foods to elementary schools during the school year, St. Vincent continues to support people facing food inaccessibility, among other vulnerabilities.

“For their good work, such as their food bank, thrift store, men’s shelter, and ‘Lunches for Learning’ which provides food for school age children, the Rotary Club of Sault Ste Marie is pleased to support St Vincent Place with a donation of $5,000 to use wherever they need it most,” shared Rod Stone, Rotarian. “We are humbly able to do this because of the support that the good people of Sault Ste. Marie have given to our fundraising endeavours over the past year.”

“Rotary’s Dozen Donations” is an initiative by the Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie, to make a series of $5,000 donations to twelve local charities and non-profits. The $60,000 that Rotary has committed was raised through the diligent efforts of Sault Rotarians and the generous support of our community, whether through the purchase of a Take Your Pick ticket over the holidays or buying a burger at last summer’s ROTARYFEST. Each $5,000 donation aims to provide a vital boost to deserving organizations, showing the club’s appreciation and honoring their dedication and hard work in serving Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma.

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