Breaking News Canadian border workers vote in favour of possible strike

Border workers have overwhelmingly voted for a strike mandate that could result in “major disruptions” to the movement of goods, services, and people through Canada’s ports of entry, according to a union statement this morning.

Members voted 96 per cent for the mandate, paving the way for a potential strike over the summer, the statement said. The PSCA (Public Service Alliance of Canada) is made up of border officers at airports and land and marine crossings, as well as those at commercial points of entry, as well as members of inland enforcement, intelligence, and trade officers, investigators, and other staff. The union says its members have not had an updated collective agreement in two years, and negotiations have reached an impasse. This year, the PSCA wants “equal” wages compared to other law enforcement workers across Canada, as well as an “equal” retirement regime. It also wants “flexible” options for online and remote work. The PSCA accused the government of demanding concessions and said it is “not ready” to negotiate.

A day after the union declared it had won its strike mandate, the government issued a statement saying it is prepared to negotiate again at any time. The government notes that it has already re-negotiated contracts with 80 percent of the public service sectors, and if the union is prepared to negotiate in a constructive manner, we are prepared to do the same.


One thought on “Breaking News Canadian border workers vote in favour of possible strike

  1. Enough is never enough. Who’s next? Canada post?, Teachers?, Federal workers? like the country is not far enough behind already.

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