What is the WEF?

Recently, many stories have circled in the media regarding the World Economic Forum, or WEF for short. But, what does this group of people do and what is the history behind this organization?

Let’s find out!

The World Economic Forum (originally called the European Management Forum) was founded by Klaus Schwab a German business professor at the University of Geneva in 1971. It was founded so business people and leaders of organizations or countries could meet together to discuss common issues such as
poverty or climate change and come up with some possible solutions that can solve those problems.

According to the World Economic Forum’s official website (weforum.org), the organization is a not-for-profit, and everyone involved in the organization has no ideological or commercial interest- they are simply committed to improving the world to have a more sustainable and equal future. They also focus on the long-term effects of things and not everyday issues, the organization is aware that real progress takes time and commitment. Now, You might wonder “How do they plan all this stuff?” well, to answer your question, the World Economic Forum hosts 4 main meetings each year: the first meeting is held in the WEF headquarters in Davos-Klosters Switzerland, and at the first meeting, the organization discusses global and business industry issues. The second annual meeting is held in The People’s Republic of China and over there they talk about science and technology shaping the future of the earth, the third gathering of the organization involves discussions on all the major world issues, and last but not least the fourth meeting brings up topics about industries and how to shape them to be more sustainable for our planet.

So, as you can see they do a lot of things and are shaping our future as we speak and solving worldwide issues. But, some people do think that they are not solving worldwide issues but making the issues bigger and worse for the earth and everyone who lives on the earth. Whatever you think, I hope you take something away from this week’s blog and if you want to learn more, search up the organization on Google and you will get a ton of results!


  • Freya Mannisto

    I am a student of Lakehead Public Schools elementary- grade 8 in Septemeber 2023. I am currently a member Of Hackergal- a unique non-profit organization that encourages girls in Canada to code. I am volunteering with Hackergal as well. I am also the recipient of the Network Of Women In Engineering award from The NWORSF and the Grade 3 Award Of Creativity. In school, I am a member Of the Girls Coding Club. My favorite subjects are French, Math, science, and language In my free time, I enjoy writing, reading, coding, and playing with my dog. I reside in Thunder Bay with my parents and my dog.

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