Trudeau’s Jamaican Getaway: Did the Prime Minister and his Family Stay for Free?

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Trudeau’s office says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is vacationing with his family in Jamaica “free of charge” at a family friend’s home, after initially denying that the family would be paying for the trip.

Trudeau’s office said Wednesday that the Prime Minister consulted with the Federal Ethics Commissioner before the family’s departure on Boxing Day and that the Prime Minister’s personal travel expenses and those of his family members.

Before the family left for Jamaica on Boxing Day, Trudeau’s office said it consulted with the ethics commissioner and the family would cover the cost of their stay and reimburse the public for the cost of travelling on a government plane. This comes just days before Trudeau’s vacation to the Caribbean is set to end with his wife, Sophia Gregoire, and three of their children.

Last summer, the couple announced the end of their marriage after 18 years, but both said in separate statements they would stay close.


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