Troy’s Trail Spirit Walk Set For June 8th

After being diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a complex neurological condition, Troy Chandler made it his mission to create a supportive community here in Sault Ste. Marie for people living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

This sparked a journey for Troy and his wife Annette, that led to the creation of an event to raise community awareness, and also a support group to help make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families who are living with the daily challenges brought on by these two serious disabling conditions.

TROY’S TRAIL Spirit Walk is a community event established in 2012. The annual event gives us an opportunity to meet with other people who share similar experiences, and bring them together for mutual support, encouragement, comfort, information and positive feedback.

Troy and his wife Annette held the first Troy’s Trail event in 2012, and since then have joined together many families touched by the conditions. 

This year’s Walk is happening Saturday June 8th from 11-2 in front the Art Gallery in Clergue Park. 

For more information or to make a donation please contact Troy and Annette 705-946-4532 or 705-989-4349 .

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