Sheehan Talks Layoffs at Algoma Steel

Sault Ste. Marie MP, Terry Sheehan issued a statement on the recent announcement of layoffs at Algoma Steel as a result of a pipe collapse at the steel plant on Saturday.

“I have been in contact with officials at Algoma Steel, the United Steelworkers union and at the City, and have also been in contact with various Federal agencies to ensure support is being made available. Worker safety has always been a top priority for me, and we are all relieved to hear that no one was hurt as a result of this accident.” Sheehan said.

Sheehan has also been in contact with various ministries concerning the environmental impact. “Environment and Climate Change Canada’s National Environmental Emergencies Centre is working closely with the lead agency, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, to provide technical and scientific advice, and other support as needed.”

Sheehan added, “I have also been in contact with Service Canada, and they will help to communicate the available resources and benefits to all eligible Algoma steelworkers who face work stoppages.”

2 thoughts on “Sheehan Talks Layoffs at Algoma Steel

  1. Someone needs to talk ‘Ministry of the environment investigation’ and many charges for this massive incompetence with resulting pollution, AGAIN.

  2. Sheehan talks a lot but it means little to nothing.
    The Ministry of the Environment and the board of labor need to do a full investigation and heads need to roll, massive fines need to be levied or this will happen again and again.
    It’s obvious that they can’t be trusted to maintain anything in the manner it is supposed to be. They couldn’t even manage to take care of this preventative maintenance that was long overdue, they just let it ride and took their chances, obviously.
    Look what they have caused with their cheapness? Was it worth it??
    Not by a long shot.

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