SCCC announces next Build This City training program start date

Sault Community Career Centre Build this City

Sault Ste. Marie Construction Association are excited to announce another Build This City Construction Training Program start date

Build This City gives job seekers FREE short-term construction skills training, including more than 10 industry-recognized health and safety certifications! Participants also get tools and all the required safety gear to get started.

“The Build This City program gave me an amazing overview of how the construction industry works and an in-depth understanding of OSHA and health and safety practices. Working with the class on hands-on projects gave me the confidence I needed to be part of a jobsite. My apprenticeship is all thanks to Build This City. When friends ask about entering the construction industry, I tell them to start with Build This City!” – Brendan Wilson, 1st Year Apprentice Carpenter

Build This City also helps construction sector employers by giving them access to job-ready workers and customized staff training that meets their business’ unique needs. Wage subsidies are available to employers when hiring from the Build This City program.

FREE Support for Job Seekers

• 7 weeks of free essential and technical skills training, delivered by experienced professionals that end in industry-recognized certificates or credentials
• One-on-one support that helps you move from training to local employment opportunities

Eligible Job Seekers Are

• Residents of Ontario who are legally entitled to work in Canada
• Not participating in full-time training or education

FREE Support for Employers

• Wage subsidy to offset the cost of mentoring a new hire
• One-on-one support to ensure the success of a new hire
• Workers with the skills you need to fill vacancies
• Help to reduce employee turnover
• Advancement opportunities for current staff through customized training that meets your unique needs

The next FREE Build This City construction training session starts Monday, January 15, 2024. Submit your application to participate in training before Monday, December 4, 2023. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity. Apply today!

To apply to participate in training, please visit Have questions? Email [email protected].

This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.


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