Rory Ring Out at Chamber of Commerce

Photo: Facebook; Rory Ring with his wife Michelle along with campaign team during the 2018 Municipal Election

In a surprise announcement Friday, the CEO of the Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce has decided to end his employment there.

“The Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Rory Ring have agreed to end the employment relationship effective June 7th, 2024.” said in a post on their Facebook Page.

Ring’ resigned his position in the Sault to take on the job of CEO at the Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce. He begins that role at the end of June.

The Chamber of Commerce said it is actively seeking to fill the position immediately .

Ring came on board to the local chamber of commerce in 2016 as the new CEO. Prior to that, Ring was the CEO of the Sarnia Chamber of Commerce.

Ring was recently appointed to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce earlier this Month.

Ring also ran for Mayor of Sault Ste. Marie in the 2018 municipal election.

2 thoughts on “Rory Ring Out at Chamber of Commerce

  1. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Shame that you couldn’t drag the brainless child mayor along for the one way ride.

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