Robert Peace named New Robinson Huron Treaty Coordinator Amid Historic Treaty Settlement

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In a significant development following the historic $10-billion Robinson Huron Treaty settlement with Canada and Ontario, Garden River First Nation announces the appointment of Robert Peace as their Robinson Huron Treaty Coordinator. This appointment comes at a crucial time as the settlement, which recently received its final instalment, earmarked for division among all 21 First Nations under the treaty. The settlement aims to compensate for nearly 150 years of unchanged annual treaty payments amidst increasing wealth generated from the territory.

Mr. Peace steps into his role with a vital agenda: to oversee the strategic and respectful disbursement of the historic settlement funds, ensuring they reach the community in a manner that honours the spirit of the treaty and the needs of the people. His expertise in community engagement and strategic planning will be instrumental in navigating the complexities of this disbursement, including listening and informing members on and off reserve of proposed distributions. Reflecting on his new role, Mr. Peace stated, “I am deeply honoured to be part of this pivotal moment for Garden River First Nation and the broader Robinson Huron Treaty community. This settlement represents not just financial restitution but a renewal of commitments and relationships. My focus will be on facilitating a process that is transparent, culturally sensitive, and inclusive, ensuring the legacy of this settlement is one of empowerment and progress for the people.”

“In the digital age, the security of our financial and strategic information is paramount. I will work diligently to ensure that the band receives the advice needed to ensure a secure position in the planning, distribution and investment of the funds. I’m looking forward to engaging with as many people as possible face to face to listen and inform,” said Peace.

Chief Karen Bell expressed her full support for Mr. Peace’s appointment, stating, “Robert’s visionary leadership and commitment to our community’s well-being make him the ideal person to hold this office. As we navigate through this historic moment, his guidance to Chief and Council will ensure that we hear from our community in the most effective and meaningful way.”

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