Riding of Sault Ste Marie to benefit from new measures announced, Sheehan Says

oil heat

The Prime Minister announced a new list of measures to support Canadians to lower home heating bills. These new measures will ensure Canadians are able to transition to cleaner methods of heating options. 

The new measures include doubling the rural top-up for Climate Action Incentive rebates from 10 per cent to 20 per cent, including in communities like Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma district, which will take effect in April 2024. A family of four in rural Ontario currently receives up to $1,073 annually to help defray energy costs. 

New measures also include temporarily pausing the fuel charge on deliveries of heating oil beginning next week; making the average heat pump free for low- to median-income Canadians in provinces and territories that have agreed to support the delivery of enhanced federal heat pump grants; and incentivizing the switch to heat pumps with $250 upfront payments for many Canadian families. 

The Government of Canada will continue to offer incentives to purchase heat pumps through the Canada Greener Homes Grant, which is available to all Canadians who have a gas or propane furnace. 

The program makes the average heat pump free for at- or below- median income households by increasing Oil to Heat Pump Affordability grants up to $15,000, from the current maximum of $10,000. The additional $5,000 for homeowners who install a heat pump will match provincial and territorial contributions via co-delivery programs. Further, upfront payments of $250 will be available for at or below median-income households that use heating oil and sign up to switch to a heat pump through a joint federal-provincial government program. 

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