Officers recognized at Marquette City Commission meeting for de-escalating situation with armed suspect

New gun legislation

MARQUETTE, Mich. – Officers who de-escalated a situation at city last week have been recognized by Marquette city leaders.

It was reported that last Monday, a man walked into the Marquette Police Department armed with a loaded handgun and demanded to speak with an officer. Officers de-escalated the situation and after an hour of negotiation were able to place the suspect in custody, while staff inside city hall evacuated or sheltered in place.

At the City Commission’s regular meeting on Monday night, Police Chief Ryan Grim presented officers Jeff Czarny, John Braun and Ben Takala with meritorious service awards. City firefighters were also recognized.

“I am extremely proud of my entire staff and I’m lucky to work with such professional and dedicated officers,” Grim said. “They were able to bring this situation to a positive outcome. These officers’ quick responses and heroic efforts, to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the rest of us, is being recognized here tonight.”

Officer Czarny was cited as one of the first officers to interact with the man with the gun. He acknowled the regular training they do as being very helpful in navigating this situation.

“It feels nice to be recognized, but it’s a team. It takes a lot, the whole incident wasn’t just me by any means, but it’s good. It feels good and we train for everything from defensive tactics to how to handle stressful situations,” Czarny said.

City Manager Karen Kovacs, who was inside city hall when the incident happened a week ago, also shared her gratitude for all who were involved in her attendance at the meeting on Monday night.

“Hats off to so many people but, Chief Grim, I really appreciate everything that he has done and honoring his employees, but also, kudos need to go out to him and his two captains as well who were right there,” Kovacs said. “There’s a city full of heroes here and I really can’t say it enough, we are incredibly fortunate to be here.”

Kovacs further recognized the Senior Center’s Senior Services Manager Maureen McFadden for helping to evacuate the building.

Captain Greg Kinonen provided an update indicating that the suspect from the incident has been transferred to another facility for “non-injury-related treatment.”

— with files from


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