Newberry Teacher issues 40 Book Challenge to class and gets a good grade!

Newberry Teacher issues 40 Book Challenge to class and gets a good grade!

In September of the 2022-23 school year, Lynn Evans, a 6th grade teacher, presented to her class 40 Book Challenge to her students. Evans participated as well and by the end of the year, 24 of 33 children had completed the challenge, for a total of 75% completion.

Statistically, over the course of the challenge, the class signed out 1,240 books from the library, and collectively they read a total of 1,807 books. This worked out to just over 10 books a day, throughout the school year of 180 days.

To keep it fresh and interesting, the reading list for the challenge spanned a vast sampling of genres consisting of poetry, traditional literature, realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, informational, autobiographical, biographical and memoir.

In a spirit of inclusion and with a wish to share their passion, the top readers in the class encouraged some of the students who weren’t as far along in the challenge and recommended books. The students demonstrated that by taking a chance different genres and finding something they liked, it eventually expanded their tastes in reading and increased their desire to read more and more.


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