Multi-Unit Property Owners Reminded Of Information Seminar


Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services remind all multi-unit residential property owners and superintendents of the free information seminar at city hall this Wednesday. Fire Prevention Officers will be in attendance to provide crucial information on fire safety and compliance with regulations for this property classification.

The seminar will be held on Wednesday, May 29th, at 1:30p.m. with a second session at 6:30 p.m., sign-up is required. The seminar will take place at City Hall, 99 Foster Drive, on the 3rd floor, in the Russ Ramsay room. Refreshments will be provided.

“The residential sector is still where we see the majority of our incidents,” said Public Education Officer Aaron Gravelle. “We want to ensure that all of our multi-unit residential buildings are compliant and safe for the occupants.”

To sign-up for the seminar, contact Public Education Officer Aaron Gravelle at (705) 949-3333 ext. 2246 or by email [email protected].

The Ontario Fire Code and its enabling legislation, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, establishes fire safety standards for equipment, systems, buildings, structures, lands, and premises.

Owners and superintendents of multi-unit residential dwellings will be provided with up to date information and education, along with answers to questions, to ensure that their building meets all the requirements of the Ontario Fire Code. Sign up today!

One thought on “Multi-Unit Property Owners Reminded Of Information Seminar

  1. The building depicted is one of those that anyone living in wants out of since the new slumlord took over and let it go to total crap. They won’t even cut the grass.

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