Morning Express – Wednesday, May 15

Photo by April Jokelianen

A pretty nice looking Wednesday! Just sunshine today and very warm temperatures by late afternoon. Starting off on the cool side with about 5c but that sun will warm the air pretty quickly by afternoon. Tonight just clear conditions and not as cool overnight.

1869 National Woman Suffrage Association forms in New York, founded by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

1940 Richard and Maurice McDonald open the 1st McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino, California

1951 AT&T becomes the first US corporation to have a million stockholders after young car salesman Brady Denton purchases 7 shares worth $1,078

In 1917, Finland declared its independence from which country?
Answer: Russia

“A la Crecy” is a French cooking term that describes a dish that is made or is garnished with what?
Answer: Carrots

CBGB, which is the former infamous New York Music Club, stands for what?
Answer: Country, Blue Grass, and Blues


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