Morning Express – Wednesday, January 17

Cloudy and Cold conditions continue with the chance of some passing flurries that shouldn’t amount to much. We will get colder before we start to warm up, dropping to well below seasonal norms by Friday. There’s a chance of some light accumulation late Wednesday into Thursday morning . Totals from 2 to 4cm. A warming trend starts to develop over the weekend but it’s going to take a while before we get rid of the chill.

1773 Captain James Cook becomes the first to cross Antarctic Circle (66° 33′ S)

1920 First day of prohibition of alcohol comes into effect in the US as a result of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution

1991 Operation Desert Storm begins, with US-led coalition forces bombing Iraq, during the Gulf War

There are about 91,000 different types of insects in the United States.

Deaf people use sign language in their sleep -During a 2017 case study, a 71-year-old man with severe hearing impairment and “rapid eye movement disorder” was observed using fluent sign language in his sleep.

Animals can be allergic to humans. – Not only can dogs be allergic to cat dander and people dander, our pets can also suffer from the same allergens as humans, including pollen!


Don’t forget to wear layers when venturing outside! It’s the best way to stay warm!

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