Morning Express – Monday, March 4

Photo by April Jokelainen

We’re in Spring-mode all week with above average temperatures. We start with some rain showers today with ultra warm temperatures approaching 10c , for the rest of the week, a mix of sun and cloud and temperatures hovering around the 6 to 8c mark.

1861 Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th US President

1902 American Automobile Association (AAA) founded in Chicago

1936 1st flight of the airship Hindenburg at Friedrichshafen, Germany

Which creatures produce gossamer?
Answer: A spider

Who was the first Time Magazine “Man of the Year”?
Answer: Charles Lindbergh

Which poison do apple seeds contain?
Answer: Cyanide


Make it a Great Week!

One thought on “Morning Express – Monday, March 4

  1. I would like to see a breakdown of the money spent on the so called ‘downtown plaza’, and ALL projects below the hill, from now on. Taxpayers are being fleeced heavier than ever.
    There is not anywhere near $13,000,000.00 worth of concrete and tacky looking used shipping containers sitting on that pitiful looking property to amount to more than $2,000,000.00 at most, where did the other $11,000,000.00 go??

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