Morning Express – Monday, June 10

Photo by April Jokelainen

After a fairly chilly weekend, we warm up a little bit today but also have to deal with some gusty NW winds. We should reach 16c by early afternoon but it might feel a little cooler than that. A clear night tonight will also leave us with a cool start for Tuesday but the warmth will continue to build during the day and for the week ahead.

1963 US Equal Pay Act signed into law by President John F. Kennedy

1977 Apple Computer ships its first Apple II computers

2007 “The Sopranos” series finale on HBO (infamous “cut to black” ending)

What is the northernmost capital city in the world?
Answer: Reykjavik, Iceland

In which period did ballet originate?
Answer: Italian Renaissance

Which car is often called the first muscle car?
Answer: The Pontiac GTO


Have a great Monday!

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