Local woman only Ontario nominee in online voting campaign to win $10,000 for medical transportation charity looking for more voters

For the second consecutive year, Timber Mart Canada and its retailers are committing funds to community projects and those who are dedicated to the cause.

Over 25 trailblazers from coast to coast were nominated and voted on by local Timber Mart dealers. Eight community leaders have received $1,000.00 grants, and a final four nominees have received $8,000.00 grants for their organizations, including one local nominee.

Robin MacDonald, of Thessalon, representing Janet’s Warriors “Transportation 4 Treatment”, has been nominated through Fluke’s Timber Mart, located in the Municipality of Huron Shores, just east of Thessalon on Highway 17. Patsy Fluke explained that she and her son Chris attended a February Timber Mart convention and saw a presentation on the program. They decided to nominated Robin MacDonald, with Janet’s Warriors being the recipient of any cash prizes.

Mrs. Fluke says the dealers voted first to narrow the nominations for each of four Canadian regions. Robin was selected for Ontario as one of the four finalists who could take home an additional $10,000.00 to their community. 

Now the public can help Robin win by voting online up to once a day, now until June 21. To vote, click this link https://timbermart.ca/en/local-leaders-public-voting-page/

Since voting opened, many local residents and supporters across Canada have been voting for Robin and Janet’s Warriors, but more voters are needed to push her into first place for the grand prize.

Janet’s Warriors Transportation 4 Treatment is a not-for-profit organization that started in 2018 by five ladies in the small northern community of Thessalon. 

These ladies were a part of the Thessalon Cancer Society for a number of years, until the Thessalon Chapter dissolved in 2017.

The founding members were very distraught when the Thessalon Chapter dissolved and felt very strongly about doing something to assist local families with travel expenses for on-going medical treatment for various medical illnesses. 

Many of the communities in the catchment area do not qualify for the Northern Health Travel Grant, which means families are faced with these transportation costs.

So, with a lot of thought and brainstorming from this group of ladies, the idea was developed to raise funds to be able to purchase gasoline gift cards to give to families to help with this financial burden, believing that one does not need the added stress when dealing with on-going medical treatment.

The money raised from local events and donations from the communities in the catchment area has allowed the group to focus on helping as many patients as possible. 

To date, Janet’s Warriors have assisted well over 50 families, also setting an example for how a small group of individuals can have such a positive impact on a whole community.

“Winning the Timber Mart Local Leaders grant would significantly impact Janet’s Warriors to continue helping families, especially now with the cost-of-living increases, with the cost of gas on the top of the list,” the Group shares. 

Since 2018 the $50.00 gas gift card has been increased to $100.00, which contributes to the cost of a family facing numerous out-of-town trips for medical treatment.

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