Dog Hung From Tree – Owner Charged


On May 24, 2024, officers with Patrol Services charged a 39-year-old with cruelty to animals.

Around 6:00 p.m. on May 23, 2024, 911 Communicators received a report of someone finding a deceased dog in the 0-100 block of Black Road.

Officers responded and found the deceased dog, which had been hung from a tree. The investigation identified the accused as the owner of the dog and found they fit the description of the suspect seen in the area where the dog was found.

Officers located the accused, and they were arrested. The accused is charged with cruelty to animals.

The accused was released on an undertaking and is scheduled to appear in court on July 22, 2024.

4 thoughts on “Dog Hung From Tree – Owner Charged

  1. This cruel poor excuse for a human should have been hung upside down by his nads in the same tree for three days of punishment, on display for all passers by to see.

    1. I myself totally agree with both of you.
      should also get a life time ban on owning any kind of pets. Including fish and rodents.

      what a POS

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