Annual Plant Sale Set For This Long Weekend

Spring may be coming and going but gardeners can count on the upcoming Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society Plant Sale to deliver on those garden essentials – plants! The much-anticipated, annual event will be held on Saturday, May 18 on the grounds of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site. 

Green thumbs and green-thumb wannabes can find a wide variety of locally-grown plants from 8 a.m. to noon. The canal greenhouse is on the right, just past the main canal buildings, and adjacent to the Superintendent’s residence. Free parking is available.

 “We look forward to having a wonderful morning down at the Canal greenhouse,” says Andrea Aubertin, President of the Society. “We have worked hard to grow a diverse amount of veggie, flowers, herbs and fruit for gardeners and the event is a great way to start the growing season – all are welcome.” 

Attendees are encouraged to bring small currency and a way of carrying their purchases such as bags, boxes or wagons. Free parking is available at the Canal site. 

Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society Memberships will also be available. Memberships are a great gift suggestion for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day or for a new home owner. The $15 annual membership comes with discounts at a number of area garden centres, greenhouses, landscaping/yard services, florists and pruning and tree/shrub care suppliers.

The Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society also regularly presents informational garden talks. Join us at 7 p.m. on the first Monday, from September to June, on the lower level (back entrance) of the United Baptist Church at 41 Malabar. In addition to coffee and conversation, each meeting includes an informative garden topic. For upcoming topics, or to learn more garden tips, follow us on Facebook at

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