18 Year Old Michigan Man Charged With Sexual Acts with Minors and a Dog


A man from Curtis, Michigan has been charged with numerous sexual offences involving children and a dog.

Curtis Michigan is located about 100 kilometers southwest of Sault Ste. Marie , near Newberry.

The Mackinac County Sheriff office said that on June 23, 2023 received information that an 18 year old male from Portage Township was engaged in inappropriate online relationship with a 12 year old female near Austin, Texas.

During the investigation , Sheriff Deputies determined Kelton Paul Salowitz of Curtis Michigan had been sending and receiving sexually abusive videos with a minor female.

During the course of an 8 month investigation and search warrants plus forensic examination of two computers obtained from Salowitz revealed hundreds of photographs and videos of child abusive sexual acts as well as a video of Salowitz performing sexual acts with a dog.

Several other minors were identified during the investigation. These minors were all known to the original victim.

Salowitz has been arraigned in the 92nd District court with numerous sexual charges including 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse with a minor , 11 counts of possession of child porn materiel as well as one count of sodomy and bestiality along with other charges.

The court set the bond at $250,000. Salowitz is expected back in court on March 9th.

The Mackinac County Sheriff office worked together on the investigation and arrest with Homeland Security and the Killeen Texas Police Department.

One thought on “18 Year Old Michigan Man Charged With Sexual Acts with Minors and a Dog

  1. We do not need this type of depressing news from south of the border when we have more than enough sick and criminal things going on right here, daily.
    The news should be all about the failing part time childish, clueless mayor, the failing city and it’s incapable management, squandering tens of millions on all of the wrong priorities, (the long dead downtown) while the roads and infrastructure crumble and turn to dust.
    Talk about incompetence at it’s highest level as the city goes further down the crapper with every additional bad decision.

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