Robbery Charged Laid


On the afternoon of June 30, 2024, 37-year-old Christopher Desjardins found himself in serious legal trouble after an incident at a local business on Great Northern Road.

Around 1:30 p.m. that day, Desjardins entered the establishment and began selecting various items from the store shelves, seemingly with the intention of making off with the merchandise without paying. However, his shoplifting scheme was quickly noticed by the store’s security personnel, who promptly moved to intervene and stop Desjardins as he attempted to leave the premises. In the ensuing confrontation, the accused lashed out, striking one of the security guards in the hand and face. Though the guard sustained only minor physical injuries, Desjardins’ violent outburst transformed what may have been a simple theft into a much more serious offense. The security team was ultimately able to detain Desjardins until the authorities could arrive on the scene.

When the Sault Ste. Marie police were summoned, officers from the Patrol Services division quickly responded and placed Desjardins under arrest, charging him with the crime of robbery. This elevated charge reflects the violent nature of Desjardins’ actions, as robbery involves the use of force or the threat of force to take property from another person. Following his arrest, Desjardins was released on an undertaking, which is a type of conditional release that allows him to await his court date while adhering to certain restrictions.

He is scheduled to appear in court on September 9, 2024 to face the robbery charges, where he will have the opportunity to mount a legal defense against the serious allegations.


  • Craig Huckerby

    Craig Huckerby is a seasoned broadcast and media professional with over 43 years in local media. Starting in television, Craig became known as "the weather guy" on local television before pioneering internet media in the Sault. Craig is credited for bringing local television back to the Sault via the internet in 2003 with LTVNEWS.COM and was instrumental in launching and Craig has also won numerous International Film awards for director of the documentary, "Was I Next?, The Sean Cribbin Story"

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