Freya Mannisto Blogs

Freya Mannisto Blogs

Motivation Tips for Teens & Tweens!
Have you ever felt totally burned out in class, studying, or doing homework?
Chances are, we have all experienced this drained-out and frustrating feeling.
Thankfully, there are ways to help motivate yourself and convince yourself to not
stop and keep going. Here are some of my favorite tips that I use when I feel
like I want to give up on the work I am doing:

1. Talking in your head: Sometimes your brain tricks you into thinking
that you are not good enough- which is totally not true. So, to bring back
those positive thoughts, you can think in your head (or even say it out
loud) “I WILL succeed and I will give my best effort into my work! I can
do this!”. But, for this method to work you really have to think positively
and really believe that you will. Simply saying this will not work as you are
really not believing in yourself.

2. Celebrating achievements: Motivate yourself to work and get more
done by celebrating small achievements! So, Let’s say you are working on
some math problems and you REALLY don’t want to. I have felt this way
before and I am sure that many other people have as well. But, the trick in
this tip is to finish all of your work and then do something you really like.
For example, after you finish all of your work you can look forward to
doing something you enjoy like watching a YouTube video, reading a chapter
in your favorite book, going on a walk, spending time with a pet if you have
one, etc. Doing this can help your brain actually focus on getting the work
done faster so you can get to your reward.

3. Create a checklist: This sounds very simple and ineffective but it does
work. At the start of each day, you can create a checklist with actual
boxes to check off on lined paper, a sticky note, or even online. Checking off
these boxes is very rewarding and also kind of fun to do!

4. Read a few motivational quotes: Trust me, motivational quotes are
everywhere online and all you need to do is google “motivational quotes” and
a ton of good quotes come up to help motivate you. I like to do this every
morning to help me get a good start to the day. There are also free
motivational quote emails you can subscribe to like Insight of the Day to
get a free quote delivered to your inbox every day.

So, those are 4 motivational tips to get you motivated to do your best in
everything. I hope you enjoyed reading this article!

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