Finding the perfect kennel for your pet

It can be extremely difficult to leave your pet behind when going on vacation, but sometimes this must be done. My dog is fine going on road trips but I don’t think that she or any other pet would enjoy a ride on a plane. So, if you are unable to leave your pet with a family member or friend, the remaining option is to kennel your pet. What kennel you choose for your pet is extremely important, so here is a guide to finding the perfect kennel that your pet will enjoy.

● Cleanliness and comfort: Kennels are very similar to hotels for humans, so the cleanliness and comfort of
the kennel matter a lot. To make sure that the kennel is in spotless shape, be sure to book a tour of the chosen place beforehand to get a look at each animal’s booth. If a room does not look like it has been maintained recently, consider picking another kennel to satisfy your pet effectively.

● Friendly staff: If the workers in the kennel seem like they are just doing their occupation to simply get
wages then this might not be the kennel for you. The staff members must be trustworthy and patient for
your pets to get proper treatment. For instance, back in March when myself and my family went to the
Caribbean for a vacation, we had no choice but to leave our dog Finko behind at a kennel. We were
slightly concerned about Finko becoming depressed in the kennel but, when she was becoming distressed in her booth in the kennel, the owner of the place was kind enough to bring Finko into her own living space and look after her with much care and adoration. Me and my family were so fortunate that Finko was not kept in terror for the nine days that she stayed the kennel. The amount of comfort and security that the pets feel is the number one priority of a kennel.

● No diseases spread: This is a small, but very important factor to consider when picking a kennel
for a furry friend. To prevent common animal diseases and sicknesses from spreading in the
enclosed kennel shed, each animal that stays in the kennel should have their proper vaccinations
up-to-date for the safety of other pet guests and staff members. If the kennel owner does not speak
of this policy, then the kennel may be dangerous for your dog to be staying in.

Those are all of my tips for looking for a perfect kennel so your pet feels happy but again, be sure to tour the kennel beforehand so you know what the conditions are. I hope that your pet has a good stay!

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