50th Pee Wee Carnival winds up today

The weather hasn’t been perfect for Campbell Amusements’ 50th visit to the Sault’s Pee Wee Arena grounds, but better than most years.

Friday was beautiful. After a dreary start Saturday – the carnival’s second-last day in town – brilliant sunshine arrived in mid-afternoon.

Maggie Chen, with prize-winning son Alexander, 5, at the Soo Pee Wee Spring Carvival, Saturday.

The great weather brought out hundreds of families for afternoon and evening fun.

The big top went up on May 16 and is set to come down this afternoon at 5 p.m.

Happy Saturday! Tammy Corbett celebrates with two-year-old prizewinner Kinsley Labelle at the Pee Wee Carnival.

One thought on “50th Pee Wee Carnival winds up today

  1. Good, but not soon enough as it is going to rain tomorrow and likely Tuesday unless they have cleared out!

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